May Day refers to various socialist and labor movement celebrations conducted on May 1, to commemorate the Haymarket martyrs of 1886 and the international socialist social movement generally. May Day in this regard is called International Workers' Day or Labour Day, and is a commemoration of the execution of the men who were arrested after the Haymarket Riot of 1886 in Chicago (USA) which occurred on May 4 but was the culmination of labor unrest that had begun on May 1. Consequently this May Day became established as an anarchist and socialist holiday, and in this form, May Day has become an international celebration of the social and economic achievements of the working class and labor movement. Although May Day observance began in the United States, it is not officially nor popularly recognized as a holiday there; instead May 1 was officially designated by the U.S. Congress as Loyalty Day in 1958, because of the association of May Day with communism. The Paris Workers Congress held in Paris on the 14-20 July 1889 most notable decision was to call on all workers to celebrate may 1st each year as the international festival of the working class.
*text from wikipedia
And that is why next week nobody is working on Thursday in Spain, so we have a long weekend to travel! Here some places I can recommend you to go.
El 1� de mayo, representa una fecha emblem�tica para los trabajadores espa�oles, se conmemora el aniversario de las manifestaciones legales en democracia, despu�s de la larga dictadura franquista. En 1978 los trabajadores participaron masivamente en la manifestaci�n del 1� de mayo reivindicando el pleno ejercicio de las libertades y la consolidaci�n de la Democracia.
Esto, unido al acuerdo que se alcanz� en 1889 en Par�s en el Congreso Internacional Obrero Socialista -un homenaje a los M�rtires de Chicago* de 1886- nos permite ahora a nosotros disfrutar de un d�a festivo la pr�xima semana, y quien dice jueves, dice puente...
*hombres que fueron arrestados y ejecutados tras los disturbios del Haymarket de 1886 en Chicago.
Para ello, y con una semana de adelanto, os pongo aqu� tres lugares sugerentes para ir a pasar estos d�as.
Esto, unido al acuerdo que se alcanz� en 1889 en Par�s en el Congreso Internacional Obrero Socialista -un homenaje a los M�rtires de Chicago* de 1886- nos permite ahora a nosotros disfrutar de un d�a festivo la pr�xima semana, y quien dice jueves, dice puente...
*hombres que fueron arrestados y ejecutados tras los disturbios del Haymarket de 1886 en Chicago.
Para ello, y con una semana de adelanto, os pongo aqu� tres lugares sugerentes para ir a pasar estos d�as.
Why Tenerife? This place is worth because I took that picture in December and there were people on the beach, so, sun will be there for you, for sure. Also because the black sand, so soft!
�Por qu� Tenerife? Merece la pena simplemente porque yo hice esa foto en Diciembre y como veis, hab�a gente en la playa. El sol est� asegurado. La arena negra es m�s suave;)

Mini dress: Marc by Marc Jacobs
Panam� hat: e-bay
Scarf: Herm�s
Handbag: Etsy vintage
Sandals: Urban Outfitters
Book: fnac
Why Barcelona? Just because it's one of the coolest cities of Spain. Urban style, avant-garde and with an interesting cultural offer.
�Por qu� Barcelona? Porque es una de las ciudades m�s fashion de Espa�a. Estilo urbano, es una olla de tendencias y ofrece una gran oferta cultural.

Dress: Diane Von Funsterberg
Handbang and necklace: Urban Outfitters
Sandals: Prada
Why Asturias? Because it's one of the little places which has not been destroyed yet by the twon-planning speculation, because the green colour of the mountains is different there, and because the food is soo good.
Why Asturias? Because it's one of the little places which has not been destroyed yet by the twon-planning speculation, because the green colour of the mountains is different there, and because the food is soo good.
�Por qu� Asturias? Porque es uno de los pocos sitios que a�n no ha sido arrasado por la especulaci�n urban�stica feroz, porque el verde de sus monta�as es m�s verde que en cualquier otro sitio que yo haya estado, y porque la comida est� demasiado buena.
Shorts and handbag: topshop
Sandals and belt: Urban Outfitters
Cardigan: Tomas Maier
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