First of all, thanks to the lovely Fashionability for giving me the prize. And I'd like to say I've started to write in Spanish too, but I must admit is not a literal translation, I write the same ideas, but not with the same words.
What is the story behind the name of your blog and nickname?
At first I was trying to look for a name directly related to fashion. As all the names I could think in existed already, I got to think about different names not related to fashion. As I love Italy and the Italian language, I thought it would be appropriate to choose a name in Italian. Then I start to think about last year, when I was studying in UK. The first thing ever I could cook by myself was spaghetti with tomato and basil (pomodoro e basilico in Italian) sauce. It was the first time in my whole life I cook something that I actually like, so I guess the name of my blog reminds me that day when I felt totally independent, when I felt if you try, you could achieve almost anything. That is the URL, but the real name is London Fashion Trends, which in fact is a question I've not been able to answer yet. I don't understand why I love fashion so much, but I'll do some day.
About my nickname, Atelier, I've chosen it because I love all its connotations. When I think in an Atelier, I think in an antique, romantic, artesan, high-quality way of doing clothes.
What has been your best or worst blogging experience?
My best blogging experience was -as I guess to many people too- the first time I got a comment. It was a very interesting feeling, like, "Oh my God! Someone else is reading what I am doing!". I've been doing work-experience at a newspaper this summer, so I know how it feels to publish something, but it's not the same. I mean at the newspaper you have to write about a lot of different things, and you don't get any feedback (and that's the best, because when you get it, it's not very good...) In this blog I've always tried to be as professional as I can (mostly because I will become a professional journalist in 4 months), but I'd have never imagined all these people who read and write blogs. It's incredible.
What do you want to happen to your blog in 2008?
Hopefully I will continue working on my blog, and I just try to satisfy people's knowledge in fashion contributing to expand their current knowledge by reading this blog. At the same time, I treat my blog as a personal source of inspiration.
�Cu�l es la historia detr�s del nombre de tu blog y de tu nickname?
Elegir el nombre de tu blog es un momento bastante delicado y dif�cil, porque hay miles de posibilidades, y realmente nunca llegas a saber si elegiste la correcta. Yo casi me vuelvo loca buscando nombres, ya que todos los que se me ocurr�an estaban ya ocupados. Como me encanta Italia, as� como el idioma italiano, comenc� a pensar que era una buena idea elegir un nombre en italiano. Entonces me vino a la cabeza el primer d�a que cocin� algo realmente comestible. Fue a principios del curso pasado, estaba en Inglaterra y llevaba m�s de una semana comiendo sandwiches y cosas tan p�simas como eso, y me decid� a intentar hacer algo comestible. Aunque ya hab�a tenido dos o tres intentos fallidos, este �ltimo me sali� bien. La comida que hice fue pasta con salsa de tomate y albahaca (pomodoro e basilico en italiano), estaba tan rica... aun puedo saborearla en mi mente. Ese d�a me sent� genial, fue como dar un gran paso fuera del nido, me sent� muy independiente -aunque parezca una chorrada- y entonces entend� que aunque las cosas no salgan a la primera, nada es imposible. Eso para la URL, el verdadero nombre, London Fashion Trends lo eleg� porque a�n no he sido capaz de comprender el porqu� de mi pasi�n desaforada por la moda. Pero espero poder comprenderla, alg�n d�a.
�Cu�l ha sido tu mejor o peor experiencia con el blog?
La mejor experiencia que he tenido con el blog, supongo que como muchos de vosotros, ha sido el primer comentario que me hicieron en un post. Fue una sensaci�n incre�ble. Aunque hice pr�cticas en un peri�dico en verano, y por lo tanto se supone que deber�a de saber qu� se siente sabiendo que otros te leen, la sensaci�n no tienen nada que ver. Aqu� es todo tan directo, r�pido... es totalmente distinto.
�Qu� quieres que le pase a tu blog en el 2008?
Solo espero poder seguir haciendo el blog con la misma ilusi�n, y sobretodo, ofrecer contenidos interesantes para esa gente que esta interesada en la moda, para intentar explicar o comentarla ofreciendo contenidos nuevos. Adem�s de esto, el blog tambi�n me sirve en ocasiones, como fuente de inspiraci�n.
As I have more than 5 blogs which make me think, I'd like you take this as an invitation for all of you who want to answer this three questions.
Como leo habitualmente m�s de cinco blogs que me hacen pensar, creo que es mejor que aquella gente que me lee y quiere contestar a estas tres preguntas se sienta invitada a hacerlo.
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