The model Katoucha Niane, who was muse of YSL and one of the best top models in the Eighties has died. Her drowned body appeared yesterday in the Parisian river, Siene. She died at the age of 48, and it is believed it was an accident. She had disappeared weeks ago, after a party in which it is said she had drunk a lot. Most of the news said she probably fell down after changing from a boat to another, but they are only suppositions. Lately she spent her time fighting against the ablation. She suffered it when she was 9 -she confessed it in her biography published last year-.
La modelo Katoucha Niane, que fuera musa de YSL y una de las mejores top models de los ochenta, ha muerto. Su cuerpo ahogado apareci� ayer en el Sena (Par�s). Ten�a 48 a�os y se cree que fue un accidente. Hab�a desaparecido hace varias semanas, tras una fiesta de la que se dice que se fue bastante borracha. La mayor�a de las publicaciones basan sus suposiciones sobre la muerte de esta top en el momento en que ella se cambi� de un barco a otro cuando volv�a a casa, pero no es nada seguro ya que ni la polic�a ni los forenses han confirmado nada a�n. �ltimamente se dedicaba a luchar contra la ablaci�n, que ella misma padeci� cuando ten�a 9 a�os.
A great surprise at Ungaro
Esteban Cort�zar was able to meet the challenge with A level. I suppose a lot of people -as me- were doubting about his ability to represent the spirit of Ungaro, so defined and at the same time so changeable. He has the honour of have being the youngest designer ever in presenting his collection at the NYFashion Week. This one for Ungaro was a brief collection, and my favourites were the dresses. The collars remind me a lot Giles's ones, but the plaits and the perfect hangs make the difference. The flowers or even only the simple knots on the shoulder were the second best detail in the collection. Step by step he is doing a big advanced in cashmere, because he is able to work it and shape as he wants.
Esteban Cort�zar ha estado a la altura. Supongo que muchos, como yo, dudaban de su capacidad para representar el estilo de esta firma, tan definido y a la vez tan moldeable. Esteban Cort�zar tiene el aval de haber sido el dise�ador m�s joven que present� una colecci�n en la NYFashion Week. Lo que m�s me gust� de la colecci�n fueron los vestidos, con esos cuellos que recuerdan bastante a la colecci�n que Giles present� el a�o pasado, pero que tienen en los trenzados y en la ca�da el detalle que marca la diferencia. Las flores o los simples nudos a la altura del hombro conformaron el segundo detalle m�s destacado de su colecci�n. Poco a poco Cort�zar se est� convirtiendo en un gran visionario del cachemir, capaz de trabajarlo y moldearlo a su antojo.
Mags of the month
This month was very fruitful. Despite I had exams the first fifteen days, as you can see, I recovered soon. I must admit even though I've had a look at all of them, I didn't finish yet!
Este mes fue muy fruct�fero si tenemos que hablar de cu�ntas revistas le�. A pesar de que estuve de ex�menes las primeras dos semanas, como pod�is ver, me recuper� bastante r�pido. Ojeada ya se la di a todas, pero he de confesar que algunas a�n no las le� en profundidad.
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