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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Into the Wild

Wolf headdresses make me want to grow my hair and prance around in the forest with dirt on my face. If I actually did this and my prancing was accompanied by a soundtrack, it would be 1724 by Sohodolls. Gawd how artsy..
Kay Goldberg and Liu Wen

This collection of photos has transitioned from "lewk i'm cyute i'm wearing fur," to "camping trip from hell."

On another note, I found this video on The Ones2Watch titled LW-01, featuring Luke Worrall and Mia Goth. I really enjoyed the video editing (the reversal of certain frames), as well as the experimentation with the movement of smoke. However, I didn't like I'm-trying-to-be-haunting-and-poignant music and the frequent close ups of Luke's face attempting to take on an "intense" expression. 

LW-01 from Charlotte Hadden on Vimeo.

There is a possibility of tomorrow being another snow day. Having a day off would be great. But then again, when wouldn't it?

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