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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Life of a Beauty Blogger

Welcome to part two of the 'Life of a Blogger' series where I look at the different culture in the blogging communities. I will be looking at areas such as books, pop culture, travel and interiors. Yesterday I looked at fashion blogging and today will be devoted to the wonderful world of beauty blogging. Sarah Smith from I Heart Cosmetics shares with us the ins and outs of the beauty community.

Why did you start blogging? 
I started blogging partly through boredom as I don't have another hobby apart from going to the gym and partly as I read a lot of other blogs and thought that I would like to give it a go as well. 

Why did you choose to write about beauty? 
 I have been into makeup and beauty since I was a child.  The present I got for passing my 11+ exam was the first hardback copy of the Beauty Bible book so it's been a lifelong obsession.  My mum has always been interested in makeup and nail varnish and making the best of herself and I guess it just rubbed off on me.  Now she steals my makeup and products and expects me to bring around a bag of goodies for her at least once a month!  The only topics I know much about are beauty, health and fitness and healthy eating and since beauty is much more interesting to me it seemed natural to blog about that.
Are you a member of any bloggers groups? 
I am an Aussie tribe member for the Miracle Moist products but I think that's it in the way of bloggers groups.

Do you attend any blogger meet ups? 
Yes I attend all the ones that are of interest to me and are about things that I would buy or places that I would visit.  I probably attend about 50% of the events that I get invited to.  Sometimes I get invited to one that I would like to attend but I can't get the time off work.  I love meeting up with other beauty bloggers and having a gossip and a chat about products and just general stuff really.  I don't have many girl-friends in real life so it is nice to meet up with girls who like the same things that I do.

How do you find the beauty blogging community? Is it a large one? Friendly? Cliquey? Competitive? 
I found the beauty blogging community through Lollipop26's blog as I googled reviews on Lilash.  Through her blog I found other blogs and started reading all of them and watching peoples youtube videos too.  After deciding to start my own blog I have found that the beauty blogger pool gets bigger and bigger.  I find recently that a lot of social media companies have caught on and you often get bombarded with emails about bizarre things, the most recent one about Kylie's legs was particularly amusing. I find that the beauty blogging world can be quite cliquey and competitive but I am not a very cliquey and competitive person so I just let it go over my head.  If people don't like something that I do or say or the way I present my blog that's fair enough, nobody is forcing them to read it!

Are there any community blogging activities that you are involved in? 
I am involved with Beauty Blog Link Love which is run by Rae over at The Notice and she does a fantastic job of sending out a reminder email every time which is much needed otherwise I might forget!  I am also a guest blogger at zuneta have blogged for the Superdrug blog and Shopaholic blog on the Become website.  

You can read Sarah's blog here.

You can follow her on Twitter.

Find out what it is like to be a Fashion blogger.

Tomorrow you can find out what it is like to be a Book blogger.

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