This weekend the Tate Modern has celebrated its 10th anniversary. Herzog and De Meuron were the architects in charge of the transformation of this former power station into the successful museum that is today. The Tate Modern building has become a symbol of London and the collection itself a reference in contemporary art around the world. Tate is always in the vanguard and for its tenth anniversary they organized "No Soul for Sale", a festival of independents. Defined as "neither a fair nor an exhibition", this convention of artists was a celebration for those who still believe in art beyond the restraints of the market. The noise at the Turbine Hall was a mixed of languages, from chinese to brazilian, -70 independent art spaces from all over the world were invited- and a mixed of art languages aswell, from performance to publications or simple art.
The participants showed their art without any partitions or walls among them, a very inspiring situation which was unavoidably food for thought. Sarcasm about the garbage TV, an installation which transported you to a noisy market just by using a pair of earphones or an amazingly beautiful bunch of roses were among my favourites. The Turbine Hall was a seething mass of people. Talks and film screenings completed the three-day-programme for Tate's anniversary. They made it clear: countries' borders have been diluted and distance is not a problem any longer. The no-walls, policy in this convention of artists made me dream. Honestly, this weekend I've seen the best side of globalisation.
The participants showed their art without any partitions or walls among them, a very inspiring situation which was unavoidably food for thought. Sarcasm about the garbage TV, an installation which transported you to a noisy market just by using a pair of earphones or an amazingly beautiful bunch of roses were among my favourites. The Turbine Hall was a seething mass of people. Talks and film screenings completed the three-day-programme for Tate's anniversary. They made it clear: countries' borders have been diluted and distance is not a problem any longer. The no-walls, policy in this convention of artists made me dream. Honestly, this weekend I've seen the best side of globalisation.
Este fin de semana el museo Tate Modern ha celebrado su d�cimo aniversario. Herzog and De Meuron fueron los arquitectos encargados de transformar esta antigua central el�ctrica en el exitoso museo que es hoy. El edificio en s� se ha convertido en uno de los s�mbolos del Londres moderno y su colecci�n de arte contempor�neo una referencia en todo el mundo. La Tate est� siempre a la vanguardia y para su aniversario organizaron "No Soul for Sale", un festival de independientes. Definido como "ni una exposici�n ni una feria", est� convenci�n de artistas fue una celebraci�n para aquellos que a�n creen en el arte m�s all� de las restricciones del mercado. El ruido en el Turbine Hall era una mezcla de idiomas, desde chino hasta brasile�o -70 espacios art�sticos de diferentes lugares del mundo estaban invitados- y una mezcla de lenguajes art�sticos, desde performance hasta publicaciones o simple arte.
Los participantes mostraron su arte sin ninguna partici�n o muro entre ellos, una situaci�n muy inspiradora que inevitablemente daba que pensar. Sarcasmo sobre la tele basura, una instalaci�n que te transportaba, seg�n pon�as los cascos, a un mercadillo, no se sab�a en qu� parte del mundo, o un bonito ramo de rosas fueron mis favoritos. El Turbine Hall era un hervidero de gente. Charlas y proyecciones de pel�culas completaron el programa de tres d�as para conmemorar el aniversario de la Tate. Y lo dejaron claro: las fronteras entre pa�ses se han diluido y las distancias ya no suponen un problema. La pol�tica de no paredes in esta convenci�n de artistas me hizo so�ar. Sinceramente, este a�o he visto la mejor cara de la globalizaci�n.
Los participantes mostraron su arte sin ninguna partici�n o muro entre ellos, una situaci�n muy inspiradora que inevitablemente daba que pensar. Sarcasmo sobre la tele basura, una instalaci�n que te transportaba, seg�n pon�as los cascos, a un mercadillo, no se sab�a en qu� parte del mundo, o un bonito ramo de rosas fueron mis favoritos. El Turbine Hall era un hervidero de gente. Charlas y proyecciones de pel�culas completaron el programa de tres d�as para conmemorar el aniversario de la Tate. Y lo dejaron claro: las fronteras entre pa�ses se han diluido y las distancias ya no suponen un problema. La pol�tica de no paredes in esta convenci�n de artistas me hizo so�ar. Sinceramente, este a�o he visto la mejor cara de la globalizaci�n.
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