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Monday, June 2, 2008

Yves Saint Laurent has passed away

The charismatic, Argelian designer Yves Saint Laurent, one of the best designers in XX century, has passed away yesterday night in Paris, at 23.10 after a long illness. He was 71 years old.

El carism�tico dise�ador nacido en Argelia, Yves Saint Laurent, ha fallecido ayer a las 23.10 en Par�s v�ctima de una larga enfermedad. �l fue uno de los mejores dise�adores del siglo XX. Ten�a 71 a�os.

He contributed strongly to the legend of Paris as the fashion city par excellence. He was the youngest designer ever in Haute Couture, because he started to work for Dior at the age of 18. However he'll be remembered in fashion history as the first designer who got an exhibition in a museum, it was in 1983, and of course, in the Metropolitan (NYC).

Contribuy� a la leyenda de Par�s como capital de la moda de un modo activo. Fue el dise�ador m�s joven que alcanz� el olimpo de la Alta Costura, de la mano del gran Dior, a los 18 a�os. Sin embargo, en la historia de la moda ser� recordado como el primer dise�ador que consigui� colar sus prendas en un museo, fue en 1983, y fue en el Metropolitan de NY.
YSL with catherine Deneuve, one of his muses

He created a Haute Couture more realistic, suitable for the times they were living. Furthermore, he introduced the smoking (1966), a typical male outfit, in women's closet, and it was a total success.

El cre� una alta costura m�s realista, adaptada a los tiempos que viv�an las mujeres por entonces. Adem�s, introdujo el esmoquin, una prenda t�picamente masculina, en los armarios femeninos, con un gran �xito.
Photography by Newton, 1966

His career

He worked in Dior from 1954 to 1960, when he was asked to serve the French military service. He even had replaced the master, Christian Dior, in 1956. However he went back to Paris in 1962 after finishing the military service, only to find out he had been replaced by Marc Bohan in Dior. So he sued them for moral damage, and with the money he got, he launched his own maison. Pierre Berg� was the business man, and he was the designer. They were a perfect team. His love for art made him get inspired by artist such as Mondrian, Picasso or Braque.

The maison had Haute Couture, pr�t-�-porter, cosmetics and license for bags, scarves, and so. He retired in 2002 at the age of 65, after a succesful career in fashion. He received several awards, such as the Neiman Marcus Couture Oscar, in 1958, or Harper's Bazaar's, in 1966. Also the Legion of Honour of France, in 1985.

His designs were pure creativity.

En Dior, donde trabaj� entre 1954 y 1960, tuvo su primera gran oportunidad. Su carrera all� se trunc� en 1960, cuando tuvo que ir a cumplir sus obligaciones con el servicio militar franc�s. Cuando volvi� a Par�s en 1962, se encontr� con la terrible sorpresa de haber sido sustituido por Marc Bohan. �l denunci� a la maison por da�os morales, y con el dinero que les sac� fund� su propia marca. Pierre Berg� estuvo con �l desde el principio, como encargado de los asuntos financieros, mientras que YSL se encargaba de los dise�os. Formaban un equipo perfecto. Sus colecciones, desde la primera hasta la �ltima, fueron un �xito total. Su amor por el arte le llev� a inspirarse en artistas como Mondrian, Picasso o Braque para sus dise�os.

La maison ten�a Alta Costura, pr�t-�-porter, cosm�ticos, y otorgaba licencias para bolsos, pa�uelos, etc.

En 2002 el genio decidi� retirarse. A lo largo de su carrera obtuvo diversos premios, como la Legi�n de Honor francesa (1985), el Oscar de Neiman Marcus (1958), y tambi�n el de Harper's Bazaar (1966).

Today is a mourning day for fashion.

Hoy es un d�a de luto para la moda

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