Every woman has different women inside of her, and of course, every woman has different styles. In my case, it depends on my humour (also on the ocassion). One day I can go following the hippy trend, and then the next day the rock one. That's the charm about fashion. It's changing all the time. That is why I would like to introduce you the basic dresses'-wardrobe I'd buy if I could afford it. Which one is your favourite? I guess I can't choose only one. I am still wondering why I like that Chanel dress (on the right: white with coloured-stripes and red bow).
pictures from style.com *click to enlarge
Todo el mundo tiene un estilo diferente. En mi caso, depende exclusivamente de mi humor, tambi�n del evento en cuesti�n, pero bueno, como no todos los d�as (ni todas las semanas, jeje) tengo compromisos, pues bueno, es m�s el humor que otra cosa. Me gustar�a presentaros los vestidos que me comprar�a si me lo pudiera permitir. Me encanta que sean un poquito variados y sobretodo, colores diferentes. A�n me estoy preguntando por qu� he incluido ese vestido de Chanel (el de la derecha del todo, blanco con rayas de colores y un lazote rojo en medio), pero bueno...
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