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Tuesday, May 1, 2007

John P Interviews Daniel Vosovic in San Francisco - Part Two

Team BPR thanks John P for this fabulous interview. Thanks also to Daniel Vosovic for the time that he set aside for us on such a busy day. You guys are great...

JP: Time is definitely on your side. Don�t rush.

DV: That�s the thing. I catch myself saying �why aren�t you trying to do this thing?� I am my own worst critic. I feel that like no matter what anyone says about my stuff or my career or anything, if I�m not happy then it doesn�t matter. If I�m not happy with where I�m at, then I�m the one who can to choose to make a move back, forward, small, big. That�s where I feel right now that�s where I want to be. That�s best for my career. And that�s what I�m doing.

JP: Would one of those offers by any chance be with Michael Kors?

DV: No it is not.

JP: The reason I ask is because of the offer that was made to you at the end of Season 2, and if I remember correctly, you actually followed up with him on that.

DV: Yeah, just to reiterate, I went in for the interview, had a really great conversation, designer to designer. Keep in mind that this was the first time I had to talk with Michael outside of the cameras, outside of the show, and so at that point, it was such an honor to sit and just talk design for an hour. That was at the end of the week, he let the weekend go by and he called Monday or Tuesday and said �I don�t have a place in my company for you.� So I don�t even know what to say to that. It is what it is. Michael Kors isn�t the �end all, be all� of my career. I wish he hadn�t done that on national television because now everyone says, �Aren�t you working for Michael Kors?�

JP: Well, to touch on what you said earlier, I think you have to take your time and find the right fit for you.

DV: Totally, exactly!

JP: And not to cave in just because this person�s already established because then you won�t get to establish your own clear vision of what you want your clothes to be.

DV: I totally agree.

JP: So you�re doing the right thing. Take your time�.

DV: What�s funny is, Kieran knows (I love him) how much heartache I go through mentally. Every day is a battle with �am I doing the right thing? Yes I am, no I�m not�� and right now I have such clarity in my life as far as my career because I�m the one who is making the decisions as to what I need to do and the product I am putting out there. Like I said, I just turned 26, and I need to step back once in a while and say �you�re doing a great job. You�re really doing a good job, Daniel� because people want �fast fashion, now, now, now, now, now.� It eats away at your brain and I don�t want to ever cater solely to that. Having a demand is good, but if I solely catered to just putting something out there or being part of something �just because�, it�s going to be the end. I want to have a career that I can be proud of thirty years from now.

JP: No compromises.

DV: No compromises�for anyone.

JP: So how were auditions for Season 4?

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