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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Kate Moss' Slimming Secrets REVEALED!!

Kate Moss has finally gone public about her slimming secrets! NO it's not the drugs, it's not exercise, infact shes not on a diet at all!! All she has to do is go out in public with two much heavier ladies by her side...and WALLA shes skinny!

Anyways back to my fashion, I love how Kate Moss' has teamed a shimmer top and shimmer jacket in tow different shades together. The silver top and bronze jacket would be classified as so over the top, but kate moss manages to keep it casual in her boho-kind-of-way by pairing it with her signature black skinny jeans and floppy flat boots. Gotta love the classic chanel bag aswell...bravo to u Kate.

Others celebs loving the shimmer and shine include Naomi Watts and her co-models Linda Evangelista and Naomi Campbell. However they all opted for Bling-Bling coats.

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